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  国画艺术名家 雷金霆 黄金 艺栈
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艺术巨匠 国家名片——走进国际书画名家雷金霆

艺术巨匠 国家名片——走进国际书画名家雷金霆

2019-07-09来源: 网络转载




Born in Qingdao, Shandong in 1954, Lei Jinting joined the army in Henan in 1972 and was transferred to Beijing in 1978 as a military painter. Influenced by his family, he loved the art of painting and calligraphy and was good at observing and thinking. In 1995, he graduated from the Department of Flowers and Birds of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Correspondence University, and then went to the Art College for further study. He believed that the sea of art was vast, and that he was just learning to swim; that the mountains of art had no peaks, and that he was just learning to climb. He successively worshiped famous painters Qi Liangchi, Tian Shiguang and Sun Jusheng as teachers, and was Qi Liangchi's disciple.




Lei Jinting's pen name: Baishi, Sizi Qi Liangchi: Yanzi, Studio No. Tian Shiguang, Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, "Baihu Mountain Residence", inscribed by Li Duo, a famous military calligrapher, "Jinting Xuan". Former deputy director of an information center of PLA, president of Tianfeng Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of PLA, now a member of Beijing Artists Association, a first-class artist, director of Changping Wen Liaison of Beijing, and director of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Society.



Lei Jinting's works in 2005 were recognized by People's Fine Arts Publishing House and published "Lei Jinting's Chinese Painting Collection", "Lei Jinting's Peony Painting Collection" and "Lei Jinting's Calligraphy and Painting Collection". Over the past decades, his works have been published in People's Daily, PLA Daily, Beijing Daily, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Daily, Art and Value, Art and Investment, etc. He has won first and second prizes in various large-scale exhibitions of calligraphy and painting both inside and outside the army, and many of his works have been compiled into China International Art. Da Dian, Art China Da Dian edited by Ministry of Culture, Special Issue of Olympic Games, Excellent Collection of Chinese Poverty Alleviation Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, National Urban Art Works Collection, Excellent Collection of Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Artists in Asian Games, Contemporary Art Appreciation, Model of Chinese Painting, National Treasure Appreciation and Modern Art Tan Yaju and the Yearbook of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collection in 2015 have been collected by relevant state departments and museums. Some works have been presented as diplomatic gifts to friendly envoys of the United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea for many times.




Lei Jinting's works participated in the Far East International Calligraphy and Painting Auctions in 2003 and 2006. In 2013, Peony-Manyuan Ruixiang Around Chunhua was sold at 81 premium auction in Hanhai, Beijing, at 2900 yuan per square foot. In 2014, at the Beijing Poly 26 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exquisite Auctions, "Shrimp Picture-Haitianyou Shenlong" was sold at 8000 yuan per square foot. Yuan. At the ninety-three auction in Hanhai in 2017, the pictures of "Peony's Richness" and "Wisteria's Auspicious Map" fetched 9200 yuan per square foot. Prices of works have been rising all the way.



     雷金霆作品2010年8月参加了“亚运当代书画名家精品展”,“获杰出贡献奖”;2009年1月,北京电视台对其进行了专访,并在1月21日首播;2010年10月,中央电视台网络频道为其作了《中国书画艺术---当代军旅画家雷金霆专题报道》,2011年4月2日,在青岛举办了《我思念着你故乡—雷金霆书画展》;2012年11月,《山东人杂志》对其做了专访并进行详细报道,2013年3月在“北京博宝网”艺术展厅,举办了“迎两会”《雷金霆国画精品展》,博宝网做了专题采访,并编入《博宝年鉴》;2014年青岛瑯琊传媒有限公司出版了《雷金霆花鸟画精品》山月典藏系列挂历;2014年5月应邀在青岛举办了《雷金霆书画展》;同年6月应山东潍坊特艺城邀请,举办了《雷金霆国画精品汇报展》;2015年3月应山东潍坊可林奇集团的邀请举办了《雷金霆书画精品展》。应北京《百家收藏》栏目之邀, 2014年4月至10月在北京西站展出了巨幅《孔雀飞向中国梦》《牡丹富贵图》《松鹤延年图》等作品,引起社会轰动。 2015年应邀在全国政协礼堂举办了《雷金霆书画精品展》,名噪京城。雷金霆,勤奋好学,为人谦和,重情善感。他热爱部队、热爱家乡、热爱人民,他牢记习主席;“艺术为人民服务的宗旨”,他经常到全国各地、部队和家乡参加活动,作诗作画送上自己的作品;他关爱社会公益事业,多次向地方残联、西部贫困地区、汶川、玉树、舟曲地震灾区、孤儿院等捐赠作品。

Lei Jinting's works participated in the Exhibition of Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters in August 2010 and won the Outstanding Contribution Award. In January 2009, Beijing Television Station conducted an exclusive interview with Lei Jinting and premiered it on January 21. In October 2010, CCTV Network Channel made a special report on "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art - Contemporary Military Painter Lei Jinting". On April 2, 2011, the Lei Jinting Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition was held in Qingdao; in November, 2012, Shandong People's Magazine made an exclusive interview with it and made a detailed report on it. In March, 2013, in the Art Exhibition Hall of "Beijing Bobao Network", the "Ying Two Fairs" and "Lei Jinting Chinese Painting Exhibition" were held, and Bobao made a special topic. In 2014, Qingdao Langyao Media Co., Ltd. published a series of calendars of Mountain and Moon Collections of Thunder Tiger Flower and Bird Paintings; in May 2014, it was invited to hold the Thunder Ting Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in Qingdao; in June of the same year, it was invited by Shandong Weifang Special Art City to hold the Thunder Ting National Paintings Reporting Exhibition; In March of 2000, at the invitation of Shandong Weifang Collinch Group, Lei Jinting Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition was held. At the invitation of Beijing's "Collection of Hundred Families", from April to October 2014 at Beijing West Railway Station, a large number of works such as "Peacock Flying to China Dream", "Peony Richness Picture" and "Songhe Yannian Picture" were displayed, which caused a sensation in the society. In 2015, he was invited to hold the "Lei Jinting Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" in the auditorium of the CPPCC National Committee, which is well-known in Beijing. Lei Jinting is diligent, eager to learn, modest and sensitive. He loved the army, his hometown and the people, and he remembered the Chairman's study; "The purpose of art serving the people", he often went to all parts of the country, the army and his hometown to participate in activities, to write poems and paintings and to send his works; he cared for public welfare, and many times to the local Disabled Persons'Federation, the western poor areas, Wenchuan, Yushu, Zhouzhou. Donated works in quake-stricken areas and orphanages.















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